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Randolph Police to Offer Active Shooter Response Training Course

Randolph Police Department
William Pace, Police Chief
41 South Main St.
Randolph, MA 02368

For Immediate Release

Monday, Sept. 17, 2018

Contact: Benjamin Paulin
Phone: 781-428-3299

Randolph Police to Offer Active Shooter Response Training Course 

RANDOLPH — Chief William Pace announces that the Randolph Police Department will offer community members a training session on reacting to active shooter incidents in October.

The Civilian Response to Active Shooter Events (CRASE) training is meant to prepare civilians for the possibility that they could be targeted in a violent intruder event, giving them knowledge to help save their own lives and the lives of others before law enforcement arrives.

“Unfortunately in this day and age, active shooter incidents are becoming more and more prevalent and they can happen anywhere from office buildings to schools to concerts to places of worship,” Chief Pace said. “The training taught in this program is meant to provide potentially lifesaving tips about how to react when a person finds themselves in a situation involving a violent intruder.”


Wednesday, Oct. 17, from 6:30-8:30 p.m.


Randolph Intergenerational Community Center, 128 Pleasant St.


The Randolph Police Department is offering the two-hour class free of charge.

Participants will learn strategies about how to prepare for and respond to being confined inside a building during a violent intruder event. In addition, information will be provided about how to help law enforcement in such situations and limit casualties.

Individuals, businesses, churches, community groups and other types of organizations are welcome and encouraged to attend.

The course was developed by the Advanced Law Enforcement Rapid Response
Training Center at Texas State University, and was designed around the “Avoid, Deny, Defend” strategy.

To sign up for the training session, please contact Randolph Police Commander John Hamelburg at or call 781-963-1212.

Any groups that would like to book the training session outside of Oct. 17 can also contact Commander Hamelburg to express their interest.
